Saving Private Gecko

 On Thursday last week, we took down the cloth covers we had put over the bushes in our garden to protect them from frost. I did the removal and packaging up of the covers for use next year. I did the packaging of these covers inside our home.

As I was folding up one of the covers, out jumped a beautiful green Gecko. I had to quickly capture him and protect him from Tigress Lakshmi.

The little Gecko was so shook up, it was breathing really heavy. I wondered if s/he feared for her/his life. And, one beautiful thing I noticed was how the little "guy" changed in color once inside my coffee mug. 

I had no clue what gender this Gecko was. Please bear with me while I assume for ease of writing this blog post that the Gecko was a little "guy".

In order to give the little guy the best protection, I took him out to the garden again, where he was happy to jump back onto one of the bushes. He must have been relieved that he was willing to pose for another picture or two.
A close-up of the little guy.
I managed to get another close-up of the little guy's face before he disappeared in the garden.
What a fortuitous happening!

Linking with Saturday's Critters.

That's all for now.

Be well!


  1. Hello,
    Great captures of the Gecko, it is cute. Your kitty is adorable too.
    I am glad the Gecko was rescued and returned to the garden.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. What a beautiful calico. They can be quite fiesty, so I imagine she is a good hunter. How fortunate to get a good look at the gecko, and such beautiful photos. When we lived in Panama, one or two always managed to get into the home. We had two cats at the time and if one managed to climb the wall then it was easier to save. Lovely post.

  3. What a lovely little guy (I'll go with that word, seems right to me)) .. am really glad you rescued him. Once we found two anole lizards in the canvas cover on our boat when we took it out of storage for the year. They were alive but ghostly white from lack of sunshine I guess -- we felt bad for them and hope they survived when we set them in the bushes.

  4. Your tigress probably did not appreciate your saving the little guy (mine got mad at me and told me it was bad manners), but the little guy certainly was very thankful. Well done!!



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